Tuesday, June 24, 2008


XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday

It's that time again -- time to reflect upon my week and all that I am thankful for. It seems like now, with summer here, my list is getting posted later and later! But, that is a good thing, because that means that we are busy, busy, busy!!! This week, I am thankful for:

1. Vacation Bible School!!! Emily and her friends are going, along with Brandon and Joshy. They all love it and are so excited, especially Brandon and Joshy (it's their first year). They all come out sharing all their wonderful stories and songs about God. I just love it!

2. Skate Camp!!! Ryan is going to skateboard camp (for 4-hours a day), while the other children are in bible school. He is learning quite a few new things. This is a BIG DEAL since Hunter is out of town and is not attending this skate camp with him. They went to camp together last year and not too long ago, I would have never imagined Ryan going without Hunter. I love that he is becoming a little more independent.

3. That I can enjoy a few hours to myself, while the children are at bible school and skate camp. We are so busy lately and it's nice to have a bit of time that is ALL mine!

4. That Caitlynn and Hunter's visit, with their Nana and Pops are going so well -- AND, is almost over. We miss them and want them to come home.

5. That I no longer have those dark brown roots!!! I am "blonded-up" again (one of Emily's sayings -- I posted about it a few days ago).

6. For healthy, summer-glowing children! We love the summer and all the different things we get to explore!

7. That Brandon actually walked off the steps today, while we were at Nana and Poppy's pool. He is so scared of the water and usually spends his time on the steps, throwing balls with us. He is building his confidence up and I may just turn him into a "water baby," yet! LOL!

8. For the beautiful laughter of all the children (Emily, Ryan, Sarah, Brandon, Joshy, Maddy, and Morgan), while they so happily played in the pool. Gosh, I just love the noise of happy kids!!! They are all so precious!

9. That I am still able to capture all the memories on my camera, even though I am unable to download any of them to my computer anymore (since the hard-drive is low on memory). This is still a blessing, because I am so thankful that my camera is not broken and that all my memories are being preserved on my memory card!

10. For my family, who love me unconditionally! I love them so much!


Nikki said...

Isn't leaving the salon with new roots the best thing ever!!! I always feel like a rock star when they flat iron my paid-for golden locks every 7 weeks...