Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ryan's Chicken-Scratch (umm, I mean handwriting)!

As you can imagine by the title of this blog, Ryan's handwriting is a little bit on the "chicken-scratch" side, as opposed to neat and legible. It's something that he could absolutely care less about and really dislikes spending any time on at all. I guess I should mention, though, that he is a straight A student. This is the first year (2nd Grade) that they have actually received letter grades on their report cards and he has really done well. He's also on the younger side, as he had just made it for the cut-off for starting school in kindergarten. You had to turn five, by the end of September, so he just made it. Anyway, the reason for this blog today is that last night, while Ryan was doing his homework, he said, "Mommy, look at how neat my name is." I had to admit that it looked WAY neater than usual. Then, I noticed IT!!! My precious, 7-year old, end-of-the-school-year 2nd grader, who has been spelling his FIRST and LAST name since pre-k, had actually spelled his OWN last name incorrectly!! We all got such a chuckle out of it that we had to grab the camera!!! He put an extra "R" in our last name!! LOL!! It was priceless. However, I do want everyone to know that I did praise him for his beautiful handwriting!!! I just love my children!!

Here it is! Proof that my sweet biggy boy misspelled his own last name. I know that this still isn't the neatest handwriting; however, it's tons better than the way he usually writes.


Caits; said...

Amy farrrrrrrrrrrrrell!
thats so cuuuute.

Corey, Jennifer and Nicole said...

That is great!!!!!!!!!!! LOL...funny kids....we are teaching Nicole to spell Henderson right now....i wonder what she will do with that!