Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Yard Work ~~~

After a VERY rainy day yesterday, it was such a welcome change to have some beautiful weather today. It was so nice, in fact, that we did some yard work. We had some hosta to plant, tree branches to cut down, grass to cut, and so on and so forth. I basically monitored the job, cleaned up the tree branches, and took pictures. I took so many pictures that I actually had to create a little slide show, instead of putting individual ones up. I had all the children today -- all the cousins together -- I love it!

Brandon and Joshy were napping, while Rob cut the front yard. So, when they woke up, Rob was cutting the back yard and Brandon ran out to help. Joshy and I were playing a game. When they had finished cutting the grass, Joshy realized that he didn't get to help and Rob actually cut the front yard again (yes, I said AGAIN), so that Joshy could help. See -- I told you all that he is the most wonderful hubby!

Rob cut down some big branches that were hanging over our house. We all helped pick up the leaves and branches that were cut down. The girls had fun playing in the huge branches that were cut down. They also had fun climbing the big tree. The bigger boys (Hunter and Ryan) pretty much stayed in the driveway skateboarding. I am actually posting those pictures separately, from my slide show, because I have so many of the yard work.

As I close for now, I am thinking again about how lucky I am that I have my family. We had such a fun day and enjoyed being together, having fun, and doing yard work! I am so blessed!!!

Enjoy my slide show ~~~

Ryan making good use of that tree branch and his ramp. Look at how high he got!

Look at Hunter grabbing his board. I know there's a special name for that trick, but I don't know what it's called!

Ryan doing the same trick as Hunter is doing above. I will have to ask the boys to look at the pictures and tell me the proper terminology!


Corey, Jennifer and Nicole said...

You know Amy i love reading are such a positive person and it shows in your family as well. I love that. You are blessed you have a beautiful family.